5 Vision Myths Your Parents Lied About

Eyes are incredible sensory organs that help people learn about the world in which they live. It's easy to take our vision for granted until something happens to threaten it. Unfortunately, that's when most people take action. Even if you haven't noticed any signs of a vision problem, following a proper diet and eye health program is highly recommended as preventative measures. In addition, it's also important to separate fact from fiction.

Knowledge is power, but knowing the difference between a myth and fact is even more empowering – especially when it comes to eye health. You only get one set, so be wise with your eyes! Below we will demystify 5 common vision myths you may have heard since childhood.

Myth #1: Eating carrots will improve your eyes... "have you ever seen a rabbit wearing glasses?"

Fact: Believe it or not, this myth dates back to the early 1940's World War II propaganda! Although carrots are high in vitamin A and vitamin A is essential for overall eye health, don't go ditching your glasses just yet. While eating a bushel of carrots might help with the vision of a person with severe malnutrition, chances are carrots on their own won't improve vision or keep you from needing glasses.

Myth #2: Reading in dim light will damage your eyes.

Fact: Reading in dim light may cause eye fatigue and maybe a headache, but it won't hurt or cause permanent damage to your eyes. However, good lighting while reading will keep your eyes from tiring out more quickly and make it easier to see what you are reading.

Myth #3: Sitting too close to the TV can damage your eyes.

Fact: Similar to reading in dim light, sitting too close to the TV may cause eye strain or give you a headache, but it won't weaken or damage your eyes. Kids often sit close to the TV because they have a greater ability to focus on objects closer to their eyes and to simply become more engaged in it. However, habitually sitting close to the TV may signal the person if nearsighted and, in fact, need glasses.

Myth #4: Wearing wrong glasses can ruin your eyes.

Fact: You can wear glasses upside down and not suffer from it. Similar to the above three myths, the only outcome from wearing glasses with the incorrect prescription is eye strain, headaches, achy eyes and blurred vision. As soon as you remove the glasses, these symptoms should go away.

Myth #5: Starring at a computer screen all day will ruin your eyes.

Fact: Starring at a computer screen for an extended amount of time leads to dry eyes because you tend to blink less. It can also lead to eye strain, pain and tired eyes, but it will not affect your vision. Try to remember to blink more often when looking at a monitor and take regular eye breaks. Follow the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds.

Although we didn't cover every vision myth out there, we hope that some of these common ones we debunked have opened your eyes to the reality of what actually affects vision.

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